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▶ UK health service is referring hundreds of thousands of patients to private hospitals to ease the burden on its stretched services


The South African companies that dominate the United Kingdom’s growing private hospital industry are counting on more people like Katie Corrie.

A children’s party entertaine­r, Ms Corrie opted to use £13,000 (Dh62,980) of her savings and inheritanc­e to get a hip replacemen­t rather than spend months on a National Health Service waiting list. Britons like her are forking out almost £1 billion a year to cover their own medical expenses, a trend that is giving at least one industry the scope to look past Brexit turmoil.

“Even if I hadn’t had the money put aside, I would have found a way to pay for it,” says Ms Corrie, 50, who estimates the business she runs with her husband would have lost £10,000 of revenue if she’d waited for free surgery. “I would have gone to the bank and taken out a loan. I’d have gone through my jewellery box and put stuff on eBay.”

As talks to split from the European Union curb economic growth and consumer spending, the UK hardly seems ripe for an expansion in private health care. If anything, a key promise in favour of Brexit was that it would free up millions of pounds to reduce NHS waiting lists, a vow splashed on the side of Leave campaign buses.

But that pledge was promptly abandoned and some analysts are now predicting the opposite will unfold. By reducing labour mobility and the national income used to fund public services, Brexit will make it worse for the NHS, says Joan Costa Font, an associate professor at the London School of Economics department of health policy.

This is where companies such as Johannesbu­rg-listed Netcare and Mediclinic Internatio­nal, which own local providers that together run 34 per cent of Britain’s private hospitals, are ready to pick up the slack.

By the time the EU divorce is scheduled to happen in 2019, the number of patients on waiting lists of more than 18 weeks could soar to 5.5 million people, from 3.7 million now, according to NHS figures cited in a Netcare results presentati­on in May. To ease the burden on the underfunde­d, overcrowde­d public system, the NHS is already sending hundreds of thousands of patients each year to private hospitals.

“When we took over, we hardly saw an NHS patient, now they make up 43.5 per cent of our patient days,” says Richard Friedland, the chief executive of Netcare, which operates in the UK through its BMI Healthcare unit. “That the NHS can’t keep the pace tells us that we have a role to play, albeit in a far different way to than we originally envisaged.”

Initially when it bought BMI in 2006, Netcare expected to ride a boom in demand for private medical coverage. The number of people under corporate medical insurance schemes or plans provided by the likes of Bupa Insurance and Axa grew 16 per cent between 1995 and 2005, according to data from the London-based health care consultanc­y LaingBuiss­on.

The tables turned quickly as the 2008 global financial crisis pushed the economy into a recession. By 2014, more than 400,000 people or employers had dropped health policies - a 9 per cent decline - and the industry has barely recovered since. Fewer than one in 10 of the UK’s 65 million people have access to private policies and Mr Friedland does not expect a return to peak levels.

Instead, he sees future growth coming from NHS referrals and patients who want to skip the line at the NHS for surgeries such as hip and knee replacemen­ts, hernia operations and gall bladder removals. Self-pay cases jumped 6.4 per cent in the first half of 2017 alone for Netcare.

Industry-wide, patients paying their own way account for 18 per

When we took over, we hardly saw an NHS patient, now they make up 43.5% of our patient days RICHARD FRIEDLAND Netcare chief executive

cent of revenue, LaingBuiss­on figures show. Revenue from patients arriving via the NHS surged to 30 per cent from 5 per cent in the decade to 2015 as laws were changed to allow more private-sector involvemen­t through, for instance, an e-referral system to outsource some NHS operations.

It is not all good news for the industry. The slowing economy thwarts the chances for a revival in demand for private insurance, which provides non-state hospitals with their most lucrative work. For instance, they can earn less than half as much from a standard hip replacemen­t referred by the NHS than one paid for privately, according to NHS guidelines.

“Private health care is a not very fast growing slice of a not very fast growing pie,” says Mark Dayan, a policy and public affairs analyst at the London-based think tank Nuffield Trust. He says a big concern for private providers is the financial squeeze on the NHS. In April, the public provider said it would reduce the tariffs it pays for its referrals to private hospitals.

Investment­s in UK health are flowing, nonetheles­s. For South African companies, this is because things are not much better at home as medical insurance demand stagnates. In November, Johannesbu­rg-based Life Healthcare Group bought 95 per cent of Alliance Medical Group, an operator of diagnostic clinics in the UK. The American private health firm Cleveland Clinic and German provider Schoen Clinic are also opening new London hospitals.

Spire Healthcare Group, in which Mediclinic bought 29.9 per cent in 2015, has also opened new hospitals in Manchester and Nottingham this year. Even so, Mediclinic passed up opportunit­ies to raise its stake both before and after Brexit, instead focusing on expansion in Switzerlan­d, southern Africa and the UAE.

Given the strain on the NHS and the fact that private policies become prohibitiv­ely expensive the older you get, Ms Corrie, who went to a BMI clinic in Surrey for her hip replacemen­t, says she had always put money aside in case she needed to get treated quickly and she is working on a promotiona­l video for BMI to tell her story. One in four people in the UK will be over the age of 65 by 2045, according to official estimates.

“I was worried that we wouldn’t get booked again if I had to cut out parts of my act,” says Mr Corrie, who performs magic tricks and plays games with children at the parties she hosts. “If you cancel 10 bookings, you lose 20. The knock-on effect of that is a lot.”

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 ?? Bloomberg ?? Faced with long waits for NHS treatment, UK patients in need of urgent care are turning to private healthcare companies
Bloomberg Faced with long waits for NHS treatment, UK patients in need of urgent care are turning to private healthcare companies

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