The National - News




1. Lava ‘stone’ (6)

4. Elegance, style (4)

8. Pollute, infect (11)

10. Japanese highly decorated porcelain (5)

11. Gratuity (3)

12. Equipoise (7)

14. Petrol (3)

16. Knock (3)

18. Of the ocean (7) 19. Understand (3)

20. Small, just detectable quantity (5) 23. Vanished (11)

24. To telephone (4)

25. Mild (6)


1. Playing on the green (7)

2. Fine black coffee (5)

3. Eater of flesh of own kind (8) 5. Call a greeting (4)

6. ‘Tune’ pipe on bagpipes (7)

7. Pile (4)

9. Say sorry (9)

13. Piece of dreamy, pensive music (8) 15. 16th c English poet (7) 17. Introducto­ry writing (7)

19. Flank (4)

21. Verificati­on of accounts (5) 22. Anyone can enter (4)

Yesterday's solution

Across 1. Castle 4. Psalm 9. Neatest 10. Owner 11. Underfoot 13. And 14. Savage 16. Make do 18. Ail 19. Steel trap 21. Ovate 22. Cantata 24. Messy 25. Jostle Down 1. Conquistad­or 2. Shard 3. Lie 5. Shortfall 6. Lineage 7. Stoop 8. Pride of place 12. Registers 15. Voltage 17. Fetch 20. Roast 23. Neo

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