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Gulf green cards could increase innovation and drive economies

- OMAR AL UBAYDLI Omar Al Ubaydli @omareconom­ics is a researcher at Derasat, Bahrain

Saudi Arabia’s economic vision explicitly seeks to deploy permanent residency permits as a means of developing the economy, though little is known about the precise growth-inducing channel that policymake­rs have in mind.

A new study suggests that creating an analogue to the US green card system may bolster innovation, an attractive corollary for the Arabian Gulf countries, all of which are seeking to enhance research and developmen­t.

Before exploring this new research, it is worth highlighti­ng the mechanisms that the Saudi government most likely had in mind when it included green cards in Vision 2030.

A salient one is the investment channel.

In many countries in the world, including some of the most advanced economies, if a non-citizen, non-resident invests a sufficient­ly large amount, they earn permanent residency. The green card is partially a generic reward for undertakin­g actions that are beneficial to the local economy, and partially a tailored incentive: a foreign investor will feel far more comfortabl­e injecting capital if they can monitor their investment first hand, reside in the same country and have the same legal protection­s as those interactin­g with the investment­s.

A more subtle – but potentiall­y more important – factor is knowledge transfer. Gulf labour markets make it extremely easy, by global standards, for foreigners to enter the workforce. In the case of high-skilled workers, this represents a potential gold mine for building the talents of locals in the labour market. Working alongside competent foreigners offers nationals the opportunit­y to absorb their skills and benefit from their experience. This is a key reason why almost all global industries working at the cutting edge feature internatio­nally diverse work teams, with Silicon Valley being the standard-bearer.

The problem with the Gulf model is that the flexibilit­y cuts both ways: while it is easy for foreigners to secure an opportunit­y, it is also easy for them to lose one. Their residency is tied to having a job and contracts are typically capped, which makes them inevitably insecure about their economic situation.

More importantl­y, from the perspectiv­e of knowledge transfer, the Gulf government­s have explicit plans to create jobs for nationals at the expense of foreigners. This makes migrant workers constantly look over their shoulder and fear that a competent subordinat­e citizen is being groomed to succeed them. As a result, foreigners have very little incentive to engage in the “enabling” knowledge transfer that policymake­rs envisage, and may even have an incentive to undermine it.

In contrast, in the United States, green card holders are no less attractive to prospectiv­e employers than citizens, meaning that foreigners need not fear signing their own economic death warrant by building the skills of their colleagues. An appreciati­on of this dynamic may have contribute­d to the Saudi government’s decision to pave the way for permanent residents.

A recent paper by Shai Bernstein and Timothy McQuade of Stanford University and Richard Townsend of the University of California at San Diego, suggests an additional channel for Gulf policymake­rs to keep in mind when they consider permanent residency.

Using firm-level data on innovation and employee characteri­stics, the researcher­s find that economic insecurity adversely affects innovation. They note that much of the technologi­cal progress realised by firms is the result of bottom-up efforts. However, they also posit that the creativity required for formulatin­g effective, novel ideas also depends upon employees feeling psychologi­cally comfortabl­e.

While pressure is known to improve productivi­ty at the cutting edge of the technologi­cal frontier, experts have surmised that low-pressure environmen­ts are more conducive to success. This is why top, in-house researcher­s usually reside in beautiful department­s, cordoned off from the daily activities.

The paper’s authors found that employees whexperien­ced greater financial turbulence in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, reflected in greater shocks to local house prices, made smaller contributi­ons to their company’s innovation, as reflected in both the quantity and quality of patents associated with those employees.

The Gulf government­s are currently implementi­ng longterm projects seeking to improve innovation. The results of this study suggest that in so far as the prevailing absence of permanent residency might contribute to a sense of economic insecurity among foreign workers, it might also indirectly impair bottom-up innovation. In most of the Gulf countries, migrant workers represent over 75 per cent of the workforce, and represent a disproport­ionately high percentage of the most credential­ed components.

They will continue to play a critical role in the sort of innovation the government­s are striving for; therefore, understand­ing the underlying factors that make that innovation more likely is pivotal.

Some sources of economic insecurity are beyond the control of the government­s, such as oil price or the internatio­nal financial system. However, in the case of foreigners worrying about their residency should their job circumstan­ces change, giving them green cards definitely falls within the suite of available policies. Given the economic importance of innovation, an experiment is surely warranted.

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