The National - News




1. Harriet's Tom gave one a clue about the North (5)

4. They like hurting what's said to be wrong on the streets (7)

8. To be sceptical, but do it anyhow (5) 9. Flow out from hod cube is used for (7) 10. A wife needs the right one to start banking (3)

11. 22 the sort of rot lot can make up (9) 12. Be plentiful with these he's left to half of them (4)

13. Throw nothing back but a sixth of an old drachma (4)

18. He finds the way to make Henry a Prince (9)

20. Sail to put to it (3)

21. Its having fragrance will inflame one to anger (7)

22. It may be active or passive, speaking or singing (5)

23. A lover may irritate aunt who is non-u (7) 24. Cricket ground loses its apostrophe in the Upper House (5) ▶


1. It is beneath one's status to make an informal agreement (13)

2. Captain first to lumber about and fall to pieces (7)

3. To be tempting additive number, notice nothing is taken out (6)

4. Allying oneself with the short track (6) 5. Excludes beards trimmed in such a way (6)

6. Sell out the East to copper with light rowing-boat (5)

7. Love Charles, so next term they won't be there (6-7)

14. Hire bus, maybe, to thicker thicket? (7) 15. Things to be done to give the aged an involvemen­t (6)

16. Swear by oath when attending internatio­nal match (6)

17. Small stones and large, perhaps – about five of them (6)

19. Is eloquent as to five breaking coal (5)

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