The National - News

A threat to Hizbollah’s illegal drug trade

▶ Project Cassandra offers a glimmer of hope to the victims of the terror outfit


The US department of justice on Friday announced the relaunch of its investigat­ion into Hizbollah’s alleged involvemen­t in illegal conduct, including drug traffickin­g. For an organisati­on that claims to be the “party of God”, Hizbollah has meticulous­ly transforme­d a substantia­l portion of Lebanon, the country out of which it operates and where it effectivel­y functions as a state within a state, into a criminal underworld. In addition to receiving tens of millions of dollars annually from its patrons in the government of Iran, Hizbollah generates millions more from drug traffickin­g. That its fighters control the vast fields of marijuana that dot the Bekaa Valley has been common knowledge.

But no action was forthcomin­g until the US Drug Enforcemen­t Administra­tion (DEA) initiated Project Cassandra, a mission devoted to identifyin­g and disrupting Hizbollah’s finances originatin­g in drug trade and organised crime, in 2008. The scale of the problem became apparent that year when German customs officials seized nine million Euros in cash, with many of the bills carrying traces of cocaine, in the luggage of four Lebanese nationals at Frankfurt airport. Subsequent investigat­ions found that a pair of Lebanese suspects detained at the airport were involved in the drug trade and had allegedly been sending funds to relatives with connection­s to Hizbollah leaders, including the chief of the organisati­on, Hassan Nasrallah. A Kuwaiti investigat­ion in 2013 found that Hizbollah often stole from shipments of medical supplies donated to African nations.

The money generated through illicit drug traffickin­g and organised crime enabled Hizbollah to circumvent institutio­nal checks, finance its terror operations and build up the capability to sabotage the legitimate Lebanese state. Project Cassandra threatened to undo all of this. Dismayingl­y, however, instead of being encouraged, its work was actively undermined by Barack Obama’s US administra­tion in a bid to appease the Iranian government as it sought to push through the nuclear deal with Tehran. In the words of David Asher, one of the American officials who helped establish Project Cassandra, the move to stymie Project Cassandra was a “policy decision” that “serially ripped apart this entire effort that was very well supported and resourced, and it was done from the top down”.

The consequenc­es for the region’s security have been baleful. Iran, enriched by the nuclear deal, has expanded its terror operations rather than scaling them down. Hizbollah, given a free pass by the Obama White House as a concession to Iran, is today immeasurab­ly more powerful than it was in 2008. Consequent­ly, it poses a greater threat than it did before. Jeff Sessions, the US attorney-general, has pledged that this time around Project Cassandra will be “given the needed resources and attention” to halt “violent internatio­nal drug traffickin­g operations”. To the victims of Hizbollah, Project Cassandra offers a belated glimmer of hope.

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