The National - News

Egypt military arrest rules out presidenti­al hopeful


Egypt’s military yesterday arrested its former chief of staff, who was planning to run in elections against President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, accusing him of incitement against the armed forces and forgery.

Sami Anan’s bid to run is now all but dead. His arrest came after two other potential candidates dropped out of the race this month.

One, the former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq, said he realised he was “not the ideal candidate to lead the country” and the other, former MP Mohammed Anwar Sadat, saying he saw no possibilit­y of a fair race against Mr El Sisi.

Mr El Sisi, a former head of the military, is considered almost certain to win re-election in the March 26 to 28 vote.

A security official said Mr Anan was arrested simultaneo­usly with the release to the official media of an armed forces’ statement listing the allegation­s facing him.

The statement said the former general would be questioned on charges of forging documents relevant to the formal end of his active service, breaching army regulation­s by declaring his intention to run without first clearing it with the military and incitement against the armed forces in his comments to the nation when he declared his intention this month to run for president.

A brief statement by Mr Anan’s campaign said it was suspending its activity.

“The campaign for the nomination of Sami Annan as president of Egypt regrettabl­y announces the indefinite suspension of the campaign out of fear for the safety and security of all citizens who dream of change,” it said on Facebook.

With Mr Anan out of the race, perhaps to face a court martial, only one serious presidenti­al hopeful is left in the field: rights lawyer Khaled Ali.

His candidacy is also at risk. In September, he was convicted of making an obscene gesture in public and if that ruling is upheld on appeal, he will be ineligible to run. The next hearing is scheduled for March 7.

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