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Technologi­cal change is no longer a disruption, for WEF attendees it’s a cause for optimism

- MINA AL-ORAIBI Editor-in-Chief

There is a marked difference in Davos this year compared with last year’s meeting. Concerns over the speed of technologi­cal change, the impact on work and society and the rise of populist politics are now considered part of modern life – and the World Economic Forum is embracing it. Disruption is no longer considered a threat.

And so, this year’s meeting has a science hub and entire sessions dedicated to technologi­cal change and its effect. A mix of new technologi­es and economic growth has created a general sense of optimism that had been missing from the past two years at Davos.

Now that drones, artificial intelligen­ce, cryptocurr­encies and robots are part of our present and no longer spoken about as future technologi­es, they are greatly present at the annual meeting. No one can question the science on display. AI already affects sectors including health and services.

Prof Regina Barzilay from MIT said that 96 per cent of breast cancer cases detected by AI in one of her trials were accurate. And yet greater issues remain. For example, who controls data from patients used to build up AI experience and how is it used? What happens if this data is used for decision-making that is not in the best interest of the patient, such as cost-cutting?

The issues of regulation­s, governance and control are at the heart of discussion­s between government officials, company executives, activists and academics this week. Laws and regulation­s around data, drones and AI are being made and adopted in a few countries and often influenced by those who this week are in Davos. And thus this year the general mood regarding technologi­cal disruption is positive, with opportunit­ies for business deals and government innovation.

Positive economic forecasts have added energy to the meeting. The first full day of activity in Davos kicked off on the heels of the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund announcing that global growth is getting stronger. Managing director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, one of seven co-chairs of the annual meeting, announced that the global economy is witnessing “accelerate­d growth” and that the trajectory for the next two years is positive.

Former secretary general of the Arab League Amre Moussa, a veteran Davos attendee, said: “this year feels more positive, people are here with energy and looking for new opportunit­ies”. One participan­t from the logistics sector said “the markets are picking up, the IMF is positive and people are generally buoyant”.

The refugee crisis, inequality, climate change and the challenge of conflicts over resources are on the agenda, which informed Ms Lagarde’s warning that risks remain and need new approaches to tackle them. Part of the embracing of disruption at Davos is aimed at meeting that challenge.

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