The National - News

Discrimina­tion flies in face of UAE’s record of tolerance

▶ Put simply, racism must never be tolerated, especially in our schools and nurseries


With residents from more than 200 nations, the UAE has an extremely diverse population and a proud record of tolerance. That makes it all the more disappoint­ing that a children’s nursery has advertised for a teacher of “European origin with white skin”. Racism is the false premise that one racial or ethnic group is inherently superior or inferior to another. Whether expressed openly or insidiousl­y, it is an odious blight that diminishes any society that accommodat­es it. The nursery says the advertisem­ent was an attempt to increase diversity among its staff. Diversity is to be applauded, if the purpose is to expose children to multiple ethnicitie­s.

What is not acceptable is to suggest a job can be done only by a person whose skin is a certain colour. Recruitmen­t experts say nationalit­y-specific job adverts are common in the UAE and other globalised hubs. However, they risk breaching federal anti-discrimina­tion legislatio­n, which prohibits “any distinctio­n, restrictio­n, exclusion or preference among individual­s or groups based on the ground of religion, creed, doctrine, sect, caste, race, colour or ethnic origin”. The law must be rigorously enforced and every example of racism, great or small, tackled head-on.

Perhaps the most disturbing feature of this case is the suggestion that the nursery was responding to demand from parents who, it says, “always” ask about the nationalit­y of their child’s teacher. But this is a moot point. Those who come to the UAE to work do not leave their prejudices behind, but they must not be allowed to exercise them here. In the UAE’s multicultu­ral nurseries and schools, their children will have the benefit of mixing with peers from many background­s, broadening their minds and helping to shape the global, culturally aware citizens of tomorrow. It is sometimes acceptable to seek certain expertise, such as languages, from a skilled applicant but there is never a legitimate reason for discrimati­ng based purely on skin colour.

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