The National - News




1. The very one that feels Sam may be wrong (4-4)

4. Help! Half the A to Z is missing! (4) 8. In favour of class not being ended (3) 9. An entry in instructio­n to turn to a show in short (5)

10. To bawl head off can be boring (3) 11. Had to put up with conclusion, rude as it might be (7)

12. Sort of tree that one may smooth the wood of (5)

13. Connection of ideas with football – not rugger (11)

17. Play may be a series of absorbing events (5)

18. Cell for this, following assault? (7) 20. Who will applaud ends that are of long standing? (3)

21. Beam, seal of which is broken right at the end (5)

22. Silver came to nothing, being from the past (3)

23. Cry, ‘Ow!' being cowardly (4)

24. Got around it by having succeeded in test (8)


1. Assuage it with sulphur not infrequent­ly (6)

2. Glaring, with half luck will get shot of it (5)

3. Took it from the ground and got blown up (5)

5. Indian warrior endlessly goes to a party as a boastful threat (7)

6. One who cultivates the land may turn a rudder (6)

7. One who has entered contest for trip to come from it (10)

9. A man or woman has sufficient skill to be of good appearance (10)

14. Sheridan's School for lads can be affected by it (7)

15. In very cold setting, do I get put out for utter folly? (6)

16. Common saying: of mouth, it's passed on so to speak (6)

18. Sobs about youth-leader being so authoritar­ian (5)

19. Ruthlessly cut up manuscript, such being sat by scholars (5)

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