The National - News

The dugongs desperatel­y need our help to survive

▶ The rare and gentle sea mammal risks extinction unless we do more to protect it


The UAE is privileged to home to the world’s second-largest population of dugongs, also known as sea cows because of their habit of grazing on seagrass. Such privilege comes with responsibi­lity. Uniquely among the nations of the Gulf, dugongs have been protected by UAE law since 1999.

In the UAE, conservati­on efforts have kept pace with developmen­t. In May, the environmen­t agency released an enchanting video showing a large herd of dugongs swimming in the waters of the Marawah marine reserve, the world’s first Unesco-designated marine biosphere reserve, off-limits to all but scientists, rangers and the wildlife they protect. In 2017, in collaborat­ion with the Convention on the Conservati­on of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, the Environmen­t Agency Abu Dhabi hosted delegates from 23 of the 40 countries home to dugongs, for a conference aimed at finding ways to protect them.

Just how vital this work is was emphasised three days ago when Marium, a dugong calf that captured the hearts of millions after she was rescued in Thailand, died after ingesting plastic. The discovery of six dugongs washed up dead on UAE beaches, drowned in illegal fishing nets, is further grim proof that more needs to be done to save this natural treasure from extinction. Today the dugong’s greatest threats are pollution, coastal developmen­t and the indifferen­ce of fishermen. It is an indictment of our times that only since dugongs ceased to be hunted in the Gulf in the 1950s have their numbers actually declined.

The UAE is leading the world in its efforts to protect this gentle, enchanting animal but it cannot hope to save it alone. Marine researcher­s have warned that, unless neighbouri­ng states co-operate with the UAE its numbers are certain to fall further.

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