The National - News

Pupils in capital need not return to classrooms


Distance learning will remain an option for pupils in Abu Dhabi, the emirate’s private education regulator said.

In March, the government shut schools and moved all lessons online to curb the spread of Covid-19.

Abu Dhabi originally intended for all healthy pupils to return to the classroom, at least part-time, for the coming school year.

Children with underlying health conditions that make them more vulnerable were, however, exempt.

Schools were given the option, subject to approval, of allowing children into school full-time; on alternate days; for half days; for alternatin­g weeks; or for a combinatio­n of the above.

Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge has now introduced home learning as an option for all pupils.

“Responding to a strong call from parents who prefer continuing distance learning for their children, Adek has approved the option of full-time distance learning for the upcoming term,” the department said.

“We have a dedicated hotline parents can use to report and address any concerns.” The number is 800 266 754262.

Last month, a survey by Adek found about half of parents in Abu Dhabi wanted children to return to full-time classes at school next month.

More than 158,000 people in the capital responded to the poll.

Speaking last month, Brendan Aspell, principal of Wales Internatio­nal School in Abu Dhabi, said teachers were already planning lessons for a maximum of 15 pupils at any one time.

He suggested most parents wanted schools to reopen in some form after the summer.

“I think we went as far as we could with distance learning. I’m not sure it’s a realistic option to keep it going,” he said.

Under Adek’s rules, all pupils must take a swab test to prove they are free of the coronaviru­s before they return to the classroom.

Pupils and staff will regularly be screened for infection, said the regulator, which has introduced a string of measures to keep people safe.

Children’s temperatur­es will also be checked daily with non-contact thermomete­rs before they enter school.

Adek issued a warning to families that children who are taught at home by their parents, and are not enrolled at school, may be asked to repeat the year if they rejoin mainstream education later.

 ??  ?? Pupils in Abu Dhabi can study online
Pupils in Abu Dhabi can study online

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