The National - News



▶ Across

1. It takes little science, with steak, to steal apples (6)

8. A deserter, when half surrounded, shows great anger (5)

9. Control run around partner on ship (7) 11. A sneak will show what the narrator will do (8)

12. The Sergeant-Major will annoy one with such an expression (5)

15. Being behind schedule, is no longer with us (4)

16. An attempt to give one a criminal hearing (3)

17. Grease-ridden napkin daughter discarded (4)

19. Perhaps Monsieur lies about his happy look (5)

21. A country trip, as sighted by returning sea voyager (8)

24. Bored youth-leader put on a sun-blind (7) 25. There's nothing missing from the rut but the group of trees (5)

26. Something to trundle along to a burial-mound (6)

▶ Down

2. Personal magnetism, as shown by an amulet (5)

3. Is one weakened by having one's cheek removed? (8)

4. Being so caring, is now apathetic (4) 5. This will do to hold tasteless food (5) 6. Buddhist priest turning up in an ashram always (4)

7. May have torn hose, or something else on one's foot (4)

10. Verse as composed by a friend may be considered separately (9)

12. It's Dover's only fish (4)

13. It isn't a lord one will find living on public land (8)

14. Doctor Jekyll's alter ego parked in London (4)

18. Still, so behind all? (5)

20. Argot from school in Gothenburg (5) 21. Parts of darts matches in eleven parts at Bingo (4)

22. There isn't any approval for such a cosy corner (4)

23. One gambolling, like Charles or Mary (4)

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