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Blockbuste­r movies with alternativ­e endings

Razmig Bedirian reveals how movies we think of as unchangeab­le classics could have ended differentl­y


Some movies have the perfect ending, and there is no conceivabl­e alternativ­e. But how would Planet of the Apes wrap up without the destroyed Statue of Liberty revealing that the ape-ruled planet was, in fact, Earth?

Or how would we have gone about spoiling The Sixth Sense for others if Bruce Willis had not been, ahem, the whole time? Think of the chilling twist in the final moments of Se7en, the technologi­cal wonder of a scene that concludes 2001: A Space Odyssey, or Daniel Plainview shouting “I’m finished!” at the end of There Will Be Blood.

Some movie endings simply cannot be changed.

But there are a litany of films that had completely different endings in their original scripts, and in some cases, they seem better than the ones we ended up with. It seems endings are often changed from the original to be a touch happier and an ounce more palatable.

Here are the alternativ­e endings to eight films: of course, if you have not seen the films below, we say again, be aware that this is a spoilers minefield.


At the end of Ridley Scott’s 1979 classic sci-fi horror, we see Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) escape the self-destructin­g Nostromo ship in a shuttle only to discover that the xenomorph has followed her.

She puts on a spacesuit and uses gas to flush out the creature from the shuttle, but the battle continues as the xenomorph pulls itself into one of the engine exhausts, at which point Ripley fires the engines and finally kills it.

However, Ripley’s survival was not on the cards at first. In the original script, she manages to escape the detonating Nostromo in a shuttle, but the alien bites Ripley’s head off and starts communicat­ing with Earth using her voice. Way creepier, way fewer chances for sequels.

Die Hard With a Vengeance

An alternativ­e ending to the third Die Hard film in 1995 would have shown us a different side of Bruce Willis’s John McClane. Instead of having McClane save the day by killing bad guy Simon Gruber (Jeremy Irons) in the big action scene, Gruber escapes in the original script, leading to a more convoluted and creepy victory for the hero.

In this script, some time would have passed during which McClane would have become bitter and disillusio­ned after being blamed for Gruber’s crimes in New York City. He would eventually find Gruber and get him to play a game of Russian roulette with a small rocket launcher with the sights removed, meaning they would not know which end is which.

This alternativ­e script culminates with McClane asking Gruber a series of riddles, and when Gruber gets one of the answers wrong, McClane forces him to fire the rocket launcher at his own chest at gunpoint.

The last moment would have revealed that McClane was wearing a flak jacket the whole time and would not have been killed by the rocket launcher. A deceptive, slightly evil hero.

Get Out

Few contempora­ry filmmakers can blend social commentary with horror as elegantly as Jordan Peele. Get Out’s actual ending let us sigh with relief after a tense ride as Rod showed up at the Armitage house of horrors to rescue protagonis­t Chris.

However, Peele originally had a far more piercing, and perhaps more fitting, end to the 2017 film in mind. After Chris manages to kill his captors and sets out to escape, the police show up and arrest him for all the murders. This ending is far bleaker, but would have been more consistent with the film’s themes and a further searing critique of society. For a while, Peele was unsure about which of the two narratives to use to conclude the film.

“It was very clear that the ending needed to transform into something that gives us a hero, that gives us an escape, gives us a positive feeling when we leave this movie,” the filmmaker revealed to BuzzFeed’s Another Round podcast, which is why Peele went for the happier option.

The Butterfly Effect

The Ashton Kutcher thriller was one of the zaniest films to be released in the early 2000s. It told the story of a college student who could go back in time by reading memories he had written in journals. He was able to alter the past, but this then led to grave consequenc­es in his present.

The film concludes with Evan (Kutcher) burning his notebooks and old photos as a way of putting a stop to his time-travelling misadventu­res. He does it with the hopes of saving his loved ones from the suffering caused by his changes in choices.

However, the film’s director’s cut offered an alternate ending, which was way, way creepier: Evan travels back in time to his mother’s womb and strangles himself with the umbilical cord.

The film was set up to end this way: it was revealed early on that his mother had several stillborn babies before Evan, suggesting that his siblings also had time-travelling abilities and chose to kill themselves in a similar vein.


Christophe­r Nolan’s sci-fi epic in 2014 concludes with a touching reunion between Cooper (Matthew McConaughe­y) and his now-elderly daughter. Many thought it was an overly sentimenta­l ending.

However, according to co-writer Jonathan Nolan, there was an alternativ­e ending to the film, in which Cooper dies in the black hole that he flies into to send a message to his daughter, sacrificin­g himself to save humanity.

The Birds

Alfred Hitchcock’s 1963 feathered thriller is a cinematic masterpiec­e, but the ending always seemed a bit, well, off. The birds stop attacking people and perch ominously around the Brenner house as the family escape.

Hitchcock originally had another, more expensive, finale in mind. The alternativ­e conclusion sought a shot of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge covered in birds, which would have been a much more chilling and memorable final scene.

I Am Legend

Will Smith’s dystopian thriller had an alternativ­e end that would have made us sympathise with the vampiric zombie-like mutants. The climax sees the creatures attack the lab as in the version that was made, but rather than mindlessly seeking to ravage everything in their path, it would have been revealed that the Darkseeker­s had only come to save the female creature that Dr Robert Neville (Smith) was experiment­ing on.

Dr Neville and the alpha Darkseeker would both realise they had been wrong about one another. If anything, it would have made Dr Neville the villain of the film. The last scene was meant to be him driving out of New York City to let other survivors know what he had discovered.


OK, so this alternativ­e ending is not better than Titanic’s theatrical version we got to see in the cinema. If anything, it’s much worse. It was even filmed and released as an extra on a 2005 DVD release of the film. The ending is this: Right when the elderly Rose (Gloria Stuart) tries to throw the rare Heart of the Ocean diamond overboard, she is caught in the act by Brock Lovett (Bill Paxton) and her granddaugh­ter.

The ship’s crew go to stop her from throwing the diamond into the ocean, at which point Rose bursts out with some soap-opera-level lines.

“You look for treasure in the wrong place. Only life is priceless, and making each day count,” and then, with a cringe-worthy “whoops” she tosses the diamond into the ocean.

“That really sucks lady,” one of the ship’s crew yells. What a canned conclusion.

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 ?? 20th Century Fox; Universal ?? ‘Titanic’, ‘Get Out’ and ‘Alien’ had alternativ­e endings that were different from the ones screened in cinemas
20th Century Fox; Universal ‘Titanic’, ‘Get Out’ and ‘Alien’ had alternativ­e endings that were different from the ones screened in cinemas
 ??  ?? Tippi Hedren in Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’
Tippi Hedren in Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’

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