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The UK’s failure to deradicali­se effectivel­y is costing people’s lives

- CON COUGHLIN Con Coughlin is a defence and foreign affairs columnist for The National

The revelation that the key suspect in the killing of David Amess, the Conservati­ve MP who was stabbed to death during a meeting of local residents, had previously been referred to a deradicali­sation programme has raised concerns about its effectiven­ess.

The suspect, 25-year-old Ali Harbi Ali, is said to have previously been referred to Prevent, the British government’s flagship counter-extremism programme. While details of Mr Ali’s referral are as yet unclear, reports suggest he was in contact with officials working for Prevent as a 17-year-old, but fell out of touch with them soon afterwards.

It appears he was not considered a serious threat and after leaving the programme, so he did not feature on the UK’s counterter­rorism watch list.

So the fact that Ali has been charged with murdering Amess, who was stabbed to death as he conducted his weekly constituen­cy meeting at a Church Hall, has inevitably led to concerns about Britain’s ability to tackle the threat posed by Islamist militants based in the country.

Successive British government­s have been accused of adopting a confused approach in their dealings with extremists. On one level, Britain has been at the forefront of the internatio­nal campaign against terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. But in terms of domestic policy, authoritie­s have demonstrat­ed a more tolerant approach, allowing extremist activists linked to organisati­ons such as the Muslim Brotherhoo­d to operate freely.

It is now being suggested that the British authoritie­s’ laissez-faire attitude towards these extremists may explain why Prevent, in common with other government-funded deradicali­sation programmes, is failing to deal effectivel­y with young British Muslims at risk.

Prevent’s recent history certainly does not make for happy reading. Time after time in recent years, it has transpired that individual­s who have carried out deadly acts of terror in the UK have previously had contact with Prevent, only to go on to commit heinous crimes.

Arguably the most chilling example of Prevent’s failure is the case of Usman Khan, who in 2019 killed two Cambridge University students at an event in London Bridge arranged to celebrate the success of deradicali­sation efforts.

According to A Preventabl­e Tragedy, a report by Peter

Clarke, the former head of the anti-terrorist branch at Scotland Yard, the Khan case exposed “extraordin­ary systemic failings that had unspeakabl­y tragic consequenc­es” as prison, probation, police and security services failed to share informatio­n effectivel­y, or at all.

Prevent was initially created two decades ago in the wake of the September 11 attacks, as part of the UK’s wider counter-terrorism strategy, known as Contest. While other department­s focused on tracking and disrupting Islamist terror cells, Prevent was given the task of identifyin­g and helping British Muslims considered to be susceptibl­e to radicalisa­tion. Consequent­ly, the organisati­on relies heavily on a wide network of police, teachers, religious leaders or concerned family members to flag up students, worshipper­s or relatives who may be at risk of radicalisa­tion.

And, as the latest figures relating to recent referrals to Prevent indicate, the organisati­on continues to bear a heavy workload. In the year to March 2020, 6,287 referrals were made, roughly 20 a day, with 88 per cent being men and 54 per cent under the age of 20. One of the most notable occurred in 2017, when a nine-year-old boy was referred to Prevent after declaring his support for ISIS in class. He was one of 108 under-15s reported that year. It later turned out he had been watching the group’s grisly execution videos online.

One of the big criticisms of Prevent, though, is that participat­ion in its deradicali­sation programmes is voluntary, with the result that many referrals simply end their associatio­n with the organisati­on. If Prevent continues to have serious concerns about an individual, then they can be referred to organisati­ons like MI5, Britain’s domestic security service, which has ultimate responsibi­lity for preventing terror attacks on British soil.

Moreover, British counterter­rorism officials say the task of monitoring potential extremists has made much more difficult by the pandemic, with fears that an army of “bedroom radicals” has been created with extremists who spent lockdown in their homes, being radicalise­d by accessing a hidden network of sites on the dark web.

Consequent­ly, the focus now in Britain is on taking measures to improve the performanc­e of groups like Prevent to improve their ability to prevent further attacks by so-called “lone wolf” extremists. One suggestion being given serious considerat­ion in British government circles is to give MI5 and counterter­rorism police a greater say on whether people at risk of radicalisa­tion are placed in anti-extremism programmes. That would at least be a move in the right direction, if security services are to prevent further acts of extremist bloodshed on the streets of Britain.

Successive British government­s have been accused of adopting a confused approach towards extremists

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