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British designer helps bring clean shisha to life in UAE


With more than two decades designing products for Dyson under his belt, Paul Dawson was looking for a change.

After setting up his own business, he received an offer from UAE company Air Global, which was struggling to make its idea for a charcoal-free shisha device work.

With Mr Dawson’s help, the company soon had a fully functionin­g product, the Ooka, which sold out soon after it hit the UAE market.

The company now aims to take the device global, with plans to launch overseas within the next few months.

Mr Dawson decided he wanted to become a product designer very early in his career. In the early 2000s, he joined Dyson.

“They were trying to make things better for people and, in making it better, they were really thinking differentl­y about what could be different, what could be improved about the product. They’re also very hands on,” he told The National.

“Dyson’s view is you design it, you make it, you test it and then you break it, see what happens and then repeat it.”

He started out working in vacuum cleaners, listening to customer complaints in an effort to improve the products. After five years, he moved into product developmen­t.

By 2013, the company was looking to diversify its product portfolio.

Mr Dawson moved into air purificati­on and helped to develop the first connected Dyson products.

He later ventured into hair and beauty, where he helped to design the Air Wrap hair dryer and other hair products.

But after 20 years, he started thinking about life outside the company.

“I think at the point in time I made the decision, it was in the Covid pandemic, in the middle of 2020,” he said.

“It was a bit bleak and I was doing more product launches. I suddenly thought I could sense a huge amount of opportunit­y around me in the world.”

He took the plunge, starting his own company that helped businesses get their products to market.

That is when Air Global came calling.

“Air said, ‘we’ve got this idea but we’re really struggling to make it happen. Can you help get this product from an idea stage into production?’,” Mr Dawson said. “I didn’t know anything about shisha but the way I looked at it was pretty simplistic. It had been partially developed. It wasn’t a fully fledged idea.”

He set about studying everything there was to know about shisha, while trying to work out what could go wrong when designing a new product.

Once they establishe­d what they needed to do, it was a case of developing experiment­s and trials and trying different ways to achieve it.

“My approach was to break it down into smaller manageable problems to solve and developing that process with the team,” he said.

“We worked out eventually that we had to reformulat­e slightly the molasses that goes into the product to make it work. It’s more refining.

“It’s a very different approach to how normal shisha molasses is heated.

“We had to totally rethink how this thing works when it’s heated electrical­ly and how a user gets the best possible experience.”

The process to design the Ooka took about four years. Mr Dawson came on board for the final two.

The device heats the shisha using a “micro-oven” without burning it, before it passes through water for inhalation, resulting in a 94 per cent reduction in a range of harmful chemicals, and non-detectable levels of carbon monoxide.

The technology is similar to that used in vaping.

Ooka is claimed to be the world’s first charcoal-free pod-based shisha product, and sold out less than a month after it was launched in the UAE last year.

Air now plans to expand overseas, at what could turn out to be a fortuitous time.

According to research conducted on behalf of Air, global shisha use is set to surge, with the market reaching $22 billion and more than 32 million users by 2026.

The industry grew by 18.5 per cent last year to reach 20.8 million users, and is predicted to expand further to 24.6 million users this year.

Air Global plans to expand into Germany in the second quarter of this year, and eventually the US. Both countries have a “huge” shisha following, Mr Dawson said.

“Traditiona­lly in shisha-consuming countries, it’s mainly a Middle Eastern expat-led ritual. But in Germany there is a lot more of a broad range of cultures enjoying shisha.”

 ?? Air Global ?? Paul Dawson played a key role in developing the Ooka, which sold out soon after it hit the UAE market
Air Global Paul Dawson played a key role in developing the Ooka, which sold out soon after it hit the UAE market

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