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Urban Energy Fitness’ Reebok Run coach Tala Elajou explains how to train just before the big event


Don’t change anything.

A lot of people make the mistake of experiment­ing in the month before the marathon, wondering what they should eat. You should test your nutrition and hydration months before – find out what works and don’t change it. This includes what you eat during the race, whether it’s gels, sweets or fruit. You’ve been making your body do the same things for so long, putting in a lot of mileage. If you suddenly stop running, and then run a marathon, your body is going to seize up.

Keep on running. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

People forget to drink water and focus too much on the nutrition side. Drink lots of water the day before the race, even if you have to run to the toilet 20 times. Prioritise getting enough sleep and rest. The day before a marathon, it’s a good idea to foam roll and stretch, so your body is feeling as mobile as. People put so much pressure on themselves. Remember: you’ve done the training, you’ve put in the distance. Think of it as just another long run. Remember to breathe, smile and enjoy the atmosphere.

Sleep. Stretch. Aaaaand relax.

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