What's On (Dubai)

Chris Walton


Director of training, Embody Fitness

embodyfitn­ess.ae Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is caused by tiny fractures to muscle cells and is usually experience­d between 24 and 48 hours post-exercise. It usually occurs when we significan­tly change something (intensity/type of exercise) and therefore does not signal an effective or ineffectiv­e workout, but does indicate that you have tested your body in new ways. The body adapts quickly and so DOMS should not occur if you do the same exercises, even with increasing intensity. If DOMS occurs too often you are probably randomisin­g your workouts too much and need to follow a more structured programme. The true effectiven­ess of a workout is determined by the relevance of the exercise to your goals and the intensity you apply in the session.

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