What's On (Dubai)



How would you sum up Barry’s Bootcamp?

A fitness experience that pushes you to do what you thought you never could.

What does a typical BB workout involve?

A Barry’s workout utilises the most effective combinatio­n of high-intensity interval training by incorporat­ing 30 minutes of interval-based cardio on treadmills and 30 minutes of strength training. Typically the time is broken up, so you can go from treadmill to weights multiple times.

We know you have some famous followers – who are the biggest celebritie­s that you’ve spotted in BB classes?

We never “Barry’s” and tell. We respect all of our clients’ privacy. But, yes, we have actors, models and athletes who all choose Barry’s as their go-to workout.

Why did you decide to open BB in Dubai now?

Because one of the most luxurious cities in the world definitely deserves the greatest workout in the word.

Dubai is full of excellent fitness classes. What makes BB special?

The thing that is different at Barry’s is that it’s not just the best possible workout, it’s a complete experience – the studio, the music and the best trainers around. It all comes together to create this fitness culture that you can’t find at any other fitness studio or gym.

How often can you do a BB workout per week?

We typically say three to five times a week and you’ll start seeing those results.

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