220 Triathlon



What are the advantages and disadvanta­ges of using nose clips in swimming?

Advantages: prevents water ingress up the nose during all strokes, allowing you to focus on solely breathing through your mouth; can alleviate any allergic reactions to chlorine. Disadvanta­ges: breathing, and therefore overall physical efficiency, decreases; water can get trapped up the nose and contribute to more snot production; bad breathing habits can get ingrained.

What are fallen arches and what are the symptoms?

AKA flat feet, or pes planus, it’s a collapsing of the foot’s arch that can cause pain, fatigue and affect gait, which subsequent­ly can put strain on the knees, ankles legs and hips. Symptoms include being unable to slip fingers underneath the arches; an inwards rolling of feet and ankles when running; and knee problems due to lack of support from the feet. Orthotics, gait analysis, and barefoot exercises and sessions can all help.

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