220 Triathlon


Coaching partner for the Outlaw series, Rob Wilby from Team Oxygenaddi­ct, shares his tips for success at the Half Holkham


The swim is a single lap of the lake within the grounds of the stately home Holkham Hall in Norfolk, the setting for this event. You’ll start in the water and swim north to the end of the lake, circle a small island and then return to the same place you started. If it’s a clear day, the sun will be rising right in your eyes, so mirrored or shaded goggles will really help.

Transition is in front of the grand Georgian house, and with a field of over 1,000 athletes, it’s important to remember to check for landmarks to help you find your bike. Checking your rack position relative to the main building, counting which row you’re racked in, and noting any banners or flags in the area can really help you avoid wasting time here. The bike course is best described as ‘classic British road conditions’, with some really good smooth road sections mixed with some rougher ones. While there are no killer hills, the course is undulating in places through beautiful countrysid­e, and exposed to the wind in others nearer the coast. It will reward the triathlete who is comfortabl­e time trialling in the aero position, especially when dealing with any headwind sections.

The run course is three undulating laps around the grounds of Holkham Hall. Straight out of transition, you’ll climb gradually for a kilometre to the obelisk. This is a challengin­g run, with a mix of surfaces – concrete, gravel and a hard-packed dirt path. The uphills can really sap your legs if you’re unprepared, so be sure to include hilly, steady runs in training.

Fuelling and pacing will be the key to your ultimate success over the half Outlaw distance. Practise taking in the region of 250 calories per hour on the bike during training, as a mix of gels, energy drinks or solid foods. On race day, replicate what’s been successful in training. Stop taking any calories or liquid 10mins before the end of the bike leg to allow your stomach to settle for the run leg.

Next month: Aberfeldy Triathlon on 18 August.


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