220 Triathlon


When the temperatur­e rises, reach for foods that will hydrate and provide allimporta­nt nutrients. Kate Percy has four, guaranteed thirst-quenching recipes


Idon’t know about you, but I find keeping well-hydrated a massive challenge. Especially during the summer months or when I’m training intensivel­y. Of course, it’s not just water we need for good hydration, we lose electrolyt­es such as sodium, potassium, chloride and magnesium when we sweat and these are vital for our bodies

to function properly, and that’s why we often crave salt after endurance. The great news is that many foods not only have an extremely high water content, but also have the advantage of being crammed with those all-important minerals we lose when we sweat.

Take watermelon for example, in this fast, fresh and fabulously light Watermelon and feta salad.

Containing 97% water, it’s also rich in natural sugars, potassium and vitamin C. Combined with salty feta cheese, this salad provides almost 900mg sodium and 560mg potassium, as well as calcium and magnesium and a healthy portion of protein. Perfect for effective post-exercise rehydratio­n and recovery.

Next up, I bring you a nutritiona­l powerhouse of a recipe – Mediterran­ean stuffed peppers. Red peppers not only have a high water content, they’re also extremely rich in vitamin C and potassium. Packed with slow-releasing carbohydra­te and fibre to sustain energy levels, this dish is great in its own right or as an accompanim­ent to grilled fish or lamb chops.

Cold soup? Give it a go, it’s really, really good! And very thirstquen­ching. A simple blend of raw vegetables, it’s absolutely crammed with vitamins and minerals. The real secret to a great Gazpacho, though, is to use really good olive oil, and (although perhaps just psychologi­cal) it always tastes better on a hot sunny day… or in Spain!

And lastly, this delicious Thai pineapple and cucumber salad will not only rehydrate and replace electrolyt­es, but will also help reduce inflammati­on. Rich in vitamin C, pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain which is said to have anti-inflammato­ry and digestive properties. Enjoy!

Nutritioni­st and keen amateur athlete Kate Percy set up the #GoFaster campaign in 2009, and now has a website (gofasterfo­od.com), several books and a new range of Go Bites - allnatural energy balls.

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