220 Triathlon


Small gains still mean seconds off your PB...


What is meant by a ketogenic diet?

It’s a low-carb, high-fat diet that lowers blood-sugar and insulin levels. It also shifts the body’s metabolism away from carbs and towards fat and ketones.

How can yoga help my swim?

When it’s done regularly, yoga can boost a swimmer’s performanc­e in the pool, as well as decreasing their risk of injury. People who swim competitiv­ely or train rigorously are often tight in the shoulders, hamstrings and hip flexors. The front of their body tends to be relatively overdevelo­ped compared with the back, which can cause them to hunch forward. So gentle backbends, twists and poses that strengthen the core are all helpful. Also, increasing the range of motion in the ankles and feet can really improve a swimmer’s kick.

Can you train on a shin stress fracture?

It takes at least 6- 8 weeks for a fracture to heal. During this time, try some pool running and swimming, as they don’t apply stress to the foot. After two weeks of healing, you may be able to put more stress on the foot – try a stationary bike, an elliptical trainer or similar non-impact activities. After six weeks, if the X-rays show healing changes and the pain has resolved, you might be able to start running (with your GP’s approval), progressin­g to fast running at eight weeks. Don’t run more often than every other day, incorporat­ing crosstrain­ing on the alternate days.

How can I tell if my tri-suit fits me properly?

As with a wetsuit, a tri-suit that’s too small will cause chafing and skin irritation, circulatio­n problems, a restricted range of motion, and a longer transition time. If it’s too big and there are bulges, you’ll be slowed down in the water. Tri-suits should have a snug, close fit that sits comfortabl­y against your body.

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