911 Porsche World


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I'm thoroughly enjoying reading about Johnny Tipler's transforma­tion of his Boxster, particular­ly as I undertook an upgrade to a near identical car last year. Slightly older and blue, rather than silver, but a completely straight 986 3.2 S and also with 45,000-miles.

What a colleague cruelly described as the 'Legally Blonde car' (I had to look it up on Google as well!) was given some attitude by going down the same route as Johnny. Slight pang of guilt in pulling a perfect car apart, at least until a taxi backed into it at traffic lights, but then everything changed. Bigger dark grey wheels? Of course. New set of sticky tyres? Yep. Lowered suspension? Absolutely. Sports exhaust? You've got to, for the noise and the extra power. So far, so similar to Johnny.

Knowing Johnny's penchant for changing bumpers and adding spoilers, he shouldn't be disappoint­ed to hear that what followed was a reproducti­on GT3 front end with splitter and a meaty spoiler at the back. Engine was left alone apart from a service and an ECU tweak. Do you really need that 997 3.8 Johnny? A short-shift and lightened flywheel is worth the effort.

And there's more. I threw in some safety equipment, threw out some weight, added some vinyl wrap and stickers and the metamorpho­sis was complete. From 'Legally Blonde,' to what is known in the Toyo Tires Porsche Championsh­ip as a 'Full Fat' Class A Boxster race car.

We'd love to welcome Johnny along to experience what can be achieved with a 986 Boxster and then maintained and tweaked thanks to the genuine camaraderi­e of everyone involved. Our website is kept updated at porscherac­ingdrivers.co.uk and our race weekend Saturday night BBQS are highly recommende­d Phil Churchill

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