Accrington Observer



A CONTROVERS­IAL decision to fell a large redwood tree has taken another twist after it was called in for review by the council’s scrutiny committee.

The decision to cut down the 50ft sequoia as part of a Rhyddings Park revamp has sparked protests.

The park was awarded a £2m grant from the Heritage Lottery in January.

The decision to axe the tree has now been called in to Hyndburn council’s Overview and Scrutiny committee on August 11 by Oswaldtwis­tle councillor Judith Addison.

Coun Addison said ward councillor­s and residents were not given the chance to respond to the plans in the lottery bid consultati­on.

She said: “It was only at stage two that the relocation of the market cross and consequent felling of the sequoia tree were introduced. They did not feature in the stage one bid or in the planning consent for the refurbishm­ent and improvemen­t of the park.”

More than 2,000 people backed a petition in March calling for the tree to be saved, after which council leader Miles Parkinson put the scheme on hold.

In July, the full council then voted to save the tree, only for Coun Parkinson to overturn the recommenda­tion at Cabinet the following week.

Scrutiny chiefs could send the decision back to Cabinet for review.

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