Accrington Observer

Weekly jobs


Fancy some greens for winter? Sow and grow winter salads, such as rocket, under cloches or in the greenhouse.

It’s a good time to prune. Inspect trees and shrubs for dead or diseased branches and remove them. Remember to leave acers and birches until mid-winter as at any other time they can bleed sap. Save twigs and branches for Bonfire night.

Tender plants, such as salvias, need to be dug up, potted and put in a frost-free conservato­ry for the winter.

Ponds need attention before winter sets in. Remove and clean the pump if you have one. Thin out oxygenatin­g plants if they have taken over, and remove old leaves and debris which have sunk to the bottom.

Lift pumpkins for Halloween. Plant out autumn onion sets and garlic bulbs.

Have you finished pruning your roses? Bush roses are best done now to keep their height down for winter. Rambling roses should also be trimmed before winter storms.

Check tree stakes and ties on newly planted trees to ensure they are firm for winter.

Pots and containers can get waterlogge­d during heavy downpours – one tip is to stand them on bricks so that the water can easily drain away.

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