Accrington Observer

Burglar used car stolen in one raid to flee from another

- @AlexScapen­sMEN


APROLIFIC burglar who used a car stolen from one house as a getaway from another break-in has been warned he faces jail.

Charlie John David Hope, 21, of Accrington, targeted four houses in little over six weeks also taking jewellery, cash, a games console, two other cars and sunglasses, Burnley Crown Court heard.

He admitted four charges of burglary and three of theft at homes in Accrington in a spree running from June 14 to July 31 this year.

Hope will also have a fifth burglary taken into considerat­ion in which he was seen using a Volkswagen Golf stolen at a previous break-in.

Judge Jonathan Gibson said: “You have pleaded guilty to offences which are serious, you are in a serious position where custody is certainly more likely than not.

“But the decision is for the judge on the day at the sentencing hearing.”

Prosecutin­g, Lisa Worsley outlined the crimes Hope, of Wilfred Street, had committed.

They began with a burglary at Hudson Street in which electrical items and jewellery were taken along with the keys to a Ford Fiesta.

He then drove off in the vehicle, which gave rise to a charge of theft.

Next Hope struck at a home on Foxwood Chase stealing a wallet, cash, sunglasses and keys to a Ford Kuga, which he also stole.

He also took a watch, handbag and money from an address on Lodge Street.

The final charges were for a break-in at Manchester Road where he stole a games console and the keys to the Golf.

Ms Worsley said he was then ‘clearly seen’ in the Golf around the time of a burglary at Fife Street, Accrington, the one the court will take into considerat­ion.

Defending, Hugh Barton said: “This does represent a significan­t escalation in the offending of this young man.

“He attended promptly today with his mother and sister and he has been assisting with the taken into considerat­ion matter.”

The case was adjourned to the same court until October 11 for a pre-sentence report.

Hope was bailed on the condition he cooperates with the probation service to have a pre-sentence report produced.

 ??  ?? Charlie Hope
Charlie Hope

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