Accrington Observer



WITH the ever-increasing likelihood of yet another general election on the horizon, I feel it is important that we look at our present MP’s record on voting for issues that affects us all in one way or another.

This is not in any way intended to be a critical report but one that is based on Graham Jones’ voting in Parliament on our membership of the EU.

To be fair, we must bear in mind that such reports do NOT cover much of the work our Member of Parliament may well carry out behind the scenes.

There are many domestic issues and constituen­cy business dealt with by our MPs that do not necessaril­y fit in to any of the Government categories or statistics.

You can read the full disclosure of how our MP voted in Parliament at www.theyworkfo­ryou. com/…/graham_jones/ hyndburn/votes

It does appear to be a present Labour Party characteri­stic of supporting whatever suits them at the time.

The decision we, as the general public, need to ask ourselves and our prospectiv­e Parliament­ary candidates when they come knocking on our doors is, are Members of Parliament elected to represent and therefore to pursue the wishes of their constituen­ts or, are they there to toe their party’s line, even if it means opposing their constituen­ts’ choice?

I am aware that Graham Jones shares the same unsatisfac­tory view, as many of his Labour colleagues, about their leader Jeremy Corbyn.

However, it is clear he has allowed some of his choices to be influenced by his party leader. Mike Dickinson Accrington

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