Accrington Observer



WHAT you’ve been saying on our Facebook page:

ARDEN Inn one of the most at risk in the country of closing its doors for good due to the Covid-19 pandemic (see page 5):

Neil Morton: Great place, if it’s allowed to shut...5G can shut me down willingly

Edna Ince: So sad, hope it doesn’t come to that Lorna Lea: Can’t lose The Arden. One of the very few decent pubs left in Accy.

Kyle Corke: Not Covid, due to the Government lockdowns and restrictio­ns.

Steve Turner: Covid isn’t doing it, what is causing this is complete incompeten­ce from the government locking things down

COUNCILLOR Josh Allen says close schools ‘to save lives’ (November 13):

Kathy Rose: A bit more extreme than before - like what?

Melissa Fisher: Is Cllr Allen going to look after everybody’s children whilst parents still have to work?

Steve Turner: Absolute nonsense

Tony Grogan: Whilst well-meaning I fear Cllr Allen has not fully understood the options open to school in terms of dealing with Covid and the full ramificati­ons of a blanket closure of schools. However, I admit I do not know Cllr Allen’s education qualificat­ions or his experience of homeschool­ing during lockdown.

The damage caused to education when schools are closed is very real and long lasting. Hyndburn is already an area which is below the national average in terms of education and closures will only widen that attainment gap. Also, as it stands Yr 11 and Yr 13 class will be facing their exams in 2021, unlike those in Scotland and Wales. Furthermor­e, we have not seen the promised surge in additional Laptops and IT promised by the Government.

If schools must close, and this really must be a last resort, a better solution would be to keep GCSE and A level classes in school as much as possible in order to minimise any drop off in terms of motivation and knowledge as they have critical exams to face. For other year groups look at a rota system with students in for two weeks then home for two. Remote teaching does work but only when student have access to go IT and are being well supported at home. Where schools are not safe and the safety of staff and pupils cannot be maintained then clearly they should close but it has to be an absolute last resort.

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