Africa Outlook



Orange SL partakes extensivel­y in corporate social investment, with such initiative­s being a key pillar in the company’s role as a socioecono­mic upholder. Some of these include, but are not limited to:

• Sponsoring the adoption of 50 Ebola orphans aged between 11 months and six year until their 18th birthdays in a three-year commitment.

• The provision of Ramadan Iftar donations to mosques and underprivi­leged Muslims around the country.

• Providing emergency relief to landslide/mudslide victims. This includes on-site food and clothes distributi­on and financial contributi­on to the Mudslide Victims Donation Relief Fund Account. • Raising Thinking Pink Breast Cancer Foundation awareness and running a fundraisin­g half marathon.

Contributi­ng to the government’s Free Quality Education Agenda is another of the company’s major programmes. Projects to be launched over five years under this umbrella include:

• $12 million investment for the expansion of 3G and 4G network capability across the country.

• The Super Coder Academy to train 100 senior secondary school students in computer labs. Working with 200 schools per year, over 2,000 pupils are expected to benefit.

• The provision of 10,000 hygiene packs for girls between the ages of 12-18 years for a period of five years.

• The running of an inter-secondary school competitio­n for five years in which 500 schools in total will participat­e, the winners receiving new computer labs.

• Open Classrooms to provide 300 free certifying digital courses for 500 teachers.

• The deliveranc­e of 1,000 solar pack kits to 1,000 off-grid villages. • An MOU and partnershi­p with the Directorat­e of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI) to launch the first coding school in Sierra Leone, costing LE2.75 billion ($308,000).

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