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Maggie made my life so much better

Guide dog’s help

- Jean Ward

A Chapelhall man who suffers from glaucoma says his faithful guide dog has changed his life.

Eddie Kelman spoket about his sight loss during World Glaucoma Week.

Mr Kelman was matched with his perfect pooch Maggie, a black Labrador, in January last year after applying to Guide Dogs Scotland.

The 6 1 - ye a r- o l d explained: “I was diagnosed with glaucoma when I was 21.

“I was told that it was very unusual for someone that age to have the disease and that it was often hereditary. However, no one else in my family has ever had it.

“Nobody explained to me what it was or how it would progress as I grew older so, to be honest, I wasn’t that concerned about it.

“Then in my forties my eyesight began to really deteriorat­e and I learned that glaucoma is a degenerati­ve disease for which there is no cure.”

Glaucoma is known as the silent thief of eyesight due to its gradual deteriorat­ion, which can easily go unnoticed.

Eddie said: “One of the biggest impacts for me was that about 15 years ago I had to give up my driving licence.

“I felt as i f my independen­ce had been totally taken away from me.

“I now have zero peripheral vision and limited forward eyesight but having glaucoma is just a way of life to me now and I cope as well as I can.”

His life has changed for the better since the charity presented him with his faithful friend.

He added: “I had been using a long cane as a mobility aid but I always felt very vulnerable and I even walked into a lamp post just outside my front door, which is why I started to think about applying for a guide dog.

“Last year I was very fortunate when Guide Dogs Scotland matched me with the wonderful Maggie.

“She ha s li t e ra ll y changed my life and I now no longer feel vulnerable when I am out with her. Maggie guides me around objects, sits at kerbs and is a truly amazing companion when she is not working.

“I can’t thank Guide Dogs enough for everything they have done for me and for my family.”

 ??  ?? Faithful friend Eddie with Maggie
Faithful friend Eddie with Maggie

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