Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser

EuroPark facts are being drowned out

- Sharon Craig, via email

Dear Editor,

As chair of North Calder community council, I have continued to read with real interest stories in the Advertiser on the proposed EuroPark project.

A lot of local opinions have been reported, but it seems to me that the true facts of the developmen­t continue to be drowned out by negative voices simply because they’ve shouted louder. It’s been difficult at times to know exactly what’s real and what’s not!

Local campaigner­s, led by serial objector Dr Ann Glen, have painted a picture of green parkland being bulldozed, cherished local heritage being concreted over and wildlife lost forever.

It’s in real contrast to what local residents know to be true – that the land is really not cherished by many residents at all.

In fact, many avoid it altogether due to its reputation for anti-social behaviour (drinking dens, fires, graffiti, etc), rubbish scattered all over, or they don’t even know it’s there.

There are decent parts, but they really need money spent and cleaning up, which it seems would happen if these plans go ahead.

It’s certainly not the wonderful natural gem that the campaigner­s have told us about again and again over the past few years.

Those offering us this project have painted a very different picture – 1000 social houses which we’re absolutely crying out for, jobs, leisure, new shops, and a country park at the centre of it all.

Make no mistake, deprivatio­n is the norm across large parts of the local area. We should be biting the hands off the developers who are offering to give us this massive shot in the arm.

Local waiting lists for housing are appalling – some 1400 continue to not be able to get a roof over their heads.

My son has been on the waiting list since he was 21, and he’s now 30 with two daughters and a partner to support. They’re desperate for a place of their own, but you genuinely have to wait for someone to die around here before you have a chance of getting a house, which is a shocking state of affairs.

Then we have a developer coming in and offering us something that goes a long way to solving the problem, but we don’t want to know because a few eco warriors don’t like it? It beggars belief. These people live on a different planet.

I know for a fact that I’m just one of many local voices that have yet to be properly heard on EuroPark – there are plenty more like me who feel the facts of the project deserve to be known and carefully considered without all the campaigner­s’ noise.

We also have the opportunit­y to tell the developers what we want from this project. We should be grabbing it with both hands.

I hope this letter gives them the courage to speak out and realise what’s truly important for the area’s future.

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