Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser

Dear Editor,


Since the starting gun was fired on the UK election campaign, we’ve seen the main parties set out their stalls.

The Tories want to focus entirely on Brexit and don’t want to be examined on the other areas where they are failing badly.

Labour want to focus entirely on their policies and don’t want us to look too closely at their position on Brexit (which is not yet clear).

The SNP want to stop Brexit, which is a bit bizarre as this then removes the keystone of their argument for an independen­ce referendum in 2020, while the Lib Dems also want to stop Brexit but are ruling out working with the SNP and Labour to do so.

In reality this election is only happening because the UK parliament is paralysed over Brexit, and it is highly likely that people will vote firmly with that in mind.

However, those people who might be swayed by the Tories’ “get it done” message should perhaps pause to consider what delights Boris Johnson plans to slip through under cover of delivering Brexit.

A Tory majority will undoubtedl­y deliver poorer working terms and conditions for people across the UK and will be a green light to them to tighten the screw on the poorest people in society through benefit cuts and sanctions.

They will try to convince us that we, the people, are sick of Brexit and that we just want to move on; and when the political argument is reduced to that, then that is precisely when we must be at our most alert and our most vigilant.

In this referendum by proxy I can see no good outcome for Scotland.

As part of the UK the people of England will decide our future, and this will either deliver Brexit quickly under the Tories or slowly under Labour.

In the great scheme of things, it really makes no difference whether the SNP gain seats or not, for even if they were to take all 59 Scottish seats in the Westminste­r parliament, they will still be outvoted, patronised or ignored on every issue; in fact, the only reason to go out and vote for the SNP in this election will be to demonstrat­e a commitment to independen­ce and to a possible future within Europe.

With that in mind, we Scots would be as well to break out the popcorn, sit back and watch goggle-eyed as England decides our future. Enjoy the show! James Cassidy, via email

 ??  ?? Over the water Advertiser reader Mark Farrell, from Glenboig, took this picture of the Heads of Ayr cliffs at Craig Tara beach
Over the water Advertiser reader Mark Farrell, from Glenboig, took this picture of the Heads of Ayr cliffs at Craig Tara beach

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