All About Space

Stargazing highlights


31 January

Blue blood Moon

A blue Moon will occur at the same time as a total lunar eclipse, also known as a blood Moon.

27 July

Total lunar eclipse

The Moon will gradually get darker and then turn rusty red, viewable between Europe and West Australia.

12 to 13 August

Perseid meteor shower

The Perseids will see up to 60 meteors per hour at its peak, on the night of the 12 August.

15 February

Partial solar eclipse

Those in parts of Chile, Argentina and Antarctica will be able to see the Moon partially block the Sun.

27 June

Saturn at opposition

This will be the best time to spot the ringed planet, when it is brighter than any other point in the year.

8 October, 21 to 22 October

Draconid and Orionid showers The minor Draconids appear at the start of the month, followed by the more active Orionids towards the end.

22 to 23 April

Lyrid Meteor Shower

The shower, produced by comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher will produce around 20 meteors per hour when it peaks on the night of 22 April.

9 May

Jupiter at opposition

The gas giant will be at its closet point to Earth, and fully illuminate­d by the Sun on this date.

13 to 14 December

Geminid meteor shower With up to 120 multicolou­red meteors per hour, the Geminids will be a great end to the year.

29 April

Best time to spot Mercury The planet will be at its highest point above the horizon, known as greatest western elongation, making it easy to spot.

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