All About Space

How bad will the light pollution be when 42,000 of SpaceX’s Starlink satellites are in operation?


Elon Musk has promised that the albedo, or reflectivi­ty, of each Starlink satellite will have zero per cent impact on


Although the sky never truly gets dark, embrace the challenge of summer stargazing


There will be a lot going on in the sky around Venus over the next few weeks

Get views of the most striking but overlooked craters on the lunar surface: Theophilus

There are fascinatin­g things to see in the night sky





There's no need to put your telescope into hibernatio­n on light summer nights


Plenty of targets for those armed with the right kit


Is the Celestron NexStar 6SE the right telescope for you?

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 ??  ?? We should not have to experience the light pollution of 42,000 Starlink satellites; it should be stopped before then. The satellites are visible with the naked eye under many circumstan­ces, so the experience would be out of a sciencefic­tion dystopia; skies would be crawling with hundreds of these satellites at a time like so many white maggots.
From a light-pollution perspectiv­e, the impacts of Starlink will fall into a few categories. First, the Starlink array interferes with astronomic­al observatio­n and will degrade the research abilities of both profession­al and amateur astronomer­s alike. Secondly, it will degrade the experience of wilderness areas that are supposed to be protected from human interferen­ce, including impacts to aesthetics, under US law. A night-sky view with hundreds of visible satellites is fundamenta­lly incompatib­le with the experience of the backcountr­y, outback, wilderness or the wide-open ocean. Thirdly, we
We should not have to experience the light pollution of 42,000 Starlink satellites; it should be stopped before then. The satellites are visible with the naked eye under many circumstan­ces, so the experience would be out of a sciencefic­tion dystopia; skies would be crawling with hundreds of these satellites at a time like so many white maggots. From a light-pollution perspectiv­e, the impacts of Starlink will fall into a few categories. First, the Starlink array interferes with astronomic­al observatio­n and will degrade the research abilities of both profession­al and amateur astronomer­s alike. Secondly, it will degrade the experience of wilderness areas that are supposed to be protected from human interferen­ce, including impacts to aesthetics, under US law. A night-sky view with hundreds of visible satellites is fundamenta­lly incompatib­le with the experience of the backcountr­y, outback, wilderness or the wide-open ocean. Thirdly, we

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