Amateur Gardening

GM plants ‘will come to UK’ say experts


GeNeTICALL­y-modified plants will come to Britain eventually, despite recent furore over orange GM petunias which entered the supply chain illegally, experts have predicted.

AG spoke to gardening pundits after the government said orange GM petunias were “not thought to pose a risk” and advised gardeners not to rip-out and bin plants (AG, 10 June).

no harm done

Gardening expert Peter Seabrook said: “It is not illegal to own GM petunias, but it is illegal to sell them in Britain. Outside the eU it is not illegal. Ninety per cent of the soya we are eating is GM. GM is going to come, whether we like it or not.”

Peter added that he “couldn’t see any harm that would be done” by gardeners who may have planted GM petunias. He continued: “environmen­talists say we shouldn’t plant petunias because they don’t provide pollen and nectar for pollinator­s. Now, they’re saying we shouldn’t grow GM petunias because there’s a danger of spreading [GM] pollen. They can’t have it both ways.

“Friends of the earth grab scare headlines, because that’s how they recruit members. They should try to earn a living in the industry and help people grow food.” AG Q&A expert John Negus said: “I view GM petunias with a degree of curiosity and intrigue. Would I rip them out and bin them? Certainly not! The Americans have been doing this [GM] for years. It doesn’t frighten me.”

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