Amateur Gardening

Batten down the hatches

It’s time to get stuck into a garden tidy-up, says Bob


OK, let’s admit it: no matter how much climate change helps warm things up we’re still heading into winter. A few little tweaks now and your garden will be in much better shape to get through the next four or five months.

First of all go round collecting up the tools, pots, saucers, cans, toys, litter and bric-a-brac that’s accumulate­d around the garden through the warmer months. Just simple tidying makes a garden much neater.

Next, make sure all the crops are gathered in, and check their stores are well insulated and rodent proof.

Finish all the pruning while the days are brighter and titivate anything in view of your main windows.

Trim back herbaceous growth – but not right to the ground as leaving short bits sticking up traps leaves and helps protect the crowns.

A good weed of all beds and borders is next – it’s surprising how little weedlings will keep growing and produce a multitude of seeds in the depths of winter.

Then cut the grass and trim the edges. With luck that’ll be the last time till spring, but don’t hide the mower away just yet – another trim next month may be needed if the weather stays warm.

Now the dirtier bits: clean out your gutters and downpipes as a blockage in winter is a bad thing and harder to fix when it’s colder. It may also be opportune to empty and clean out your water butts if this is overdue.

Next, freezing water breaks stuff so empty everything else sitting around with water in, from the watering cans and hoses to trays and saucers. Then clean the glass and plastic in coldframes and greenhouse­s, and fit extra insulation if you need it. Go round with an oil can and lubricate every lock, catch and hinge so these work smoothly – the oil will also keep water from corroding them.

“Just simple tidying makes a garden much neater”

 ??  ?? Prepare your garden now before the onslaught of winter Autumn is the time to pack away and tidy up, says Bob
Prepare your garden now before the onslaught of winter Autumn is the time to pack away and tidy up, says Bob

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