Amateur Gardening

Dealing with powdery mildew


POWDERY mildew looks like a dusting of talcum powder on leaves, reducing their ability to photosynth­esise. Snip off affected leaves at the first sign. Follow with a good soaking, pointing the hose at the roots. Avoid high nitrogen fertiliser­s that encourage mildew-vulnerable soft growth. On gooseberri­es, mildew is caused by congested growth. Prune in summer to create a plant with an open bowl-shape centre that lets air blow through the centre and remove spores. An open centre also makes it easier to spot gooseberry sawfly.

 ??  ?? Keep gooseberri­es well spaced and ventilated
Snip affected leaves of cucurbits showing signs of powdery mildew
Keep gooseberri­es well spaced and ventilated Snip affected leaves of cucurbits showing signs of powdery mildew
 ??  ??

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