Amateur Photographer

Top tips for working with models


1 If it’s not possible to arrange a pre-shoot meeting, spend some time talking to your model before you begin taking pictures. It’s important to understand how they like to work and connect with them, to build a rapport. Even if you only have an hour, dedicating half of that time to conversati­on will give you more keepers.

2 Make an effort to plan each of your scenes, as well as the looks you want to capture. A mood board can be really useful when discussing what you’d like from your model. Talk with them about how you’d like them to work and move within each of the scenes you have devised.

3 Physically walk your model through each of your scenarios to make it clear what you’d like them to do when you begin shooting. Providing a start and end point will also make it easier for you to follow and maintain focus on your subject throughout.

4 Music can greatly enhance a sense of time and place. Where appropriat­e, using music and even the addition of some continuous lighting can help to build the mood and atmosphere of your shot. This will further help your model get into character during the shoot and can result in great success.

5 Once everything is set and you’re ready to begin shooting try to actively communicat­e and provide direction to your model as they move throughout the scene; remind them of what mood you’re trying to achieve and what actions you want to capture.

6 Follow the movement of your model as if you were filming a tracking sequence. Keep shooting as they move, utilising continuous AF to maintain focus on your subject. Keeping things dynamic, rather than posed, will help to add variety to your collection of images at the end of the shoot.

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