Amateur Photographer

Which Olympus tele zoom?


QI have an Olympus PEN- F camera. I’m interested in wildlife photograph­y such as birds, deer and the like. I currently have the M. Zuiko ED 75-300mm f/4.8- 6.7 II lens. I am now wondering if the M. Zuiko 40-150mm f/2.8 Pro would be a good addition to my kit bag? But at the same time I am tortured by the fact that the Pro lens is not exactly cheap and there is an overlap in the focal length zoom ranges between the two. The extra brightness and image quality are two of the primary draws for me. Any ideas? Ali Shah

AI’d suggest there is no need to keep both lenses if you get the 40-150mm Pro. The 75-300mm is a remarkable lens for its size and reach but there is a general consensus that it loses some bite beyond 200mm. It’s also quite a dim lens with only f/4.8 at 75mm. The 40-150mm Pro is remarkably sharp even at f/2.8 and throughout its zoom range. This means you can crop generously and still see good- quality results. This would go some way to compensate for the reduced telephoto reach. You could also invest in the excellent MC-14 1.4x converter later, if required. That would turn your 40150mm into a 56-210mm f/4. With the extra brightness of the 40-150mm you’d also achieve faster shutter speeds and/or lower ISO settings, which will also help image quality. Therefore, I’d suggest gambling on selling the 75-300mm to subsidise the cost of purchasing a 40-150mm Pro. If you do, treat the clever extending lens hood with care as it is rather fragile.

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