Amateur Photographer

Lockdown spirit

The SheClicks group has been inspiring its members during lockdown with webinars, virtual meet ups and friendly challenges

- You can find out more about SheClicks by visiting

Angela Nicholson founded the SheClicks Facebook group in 2018. She describes it as a community for female photograph­ers that’s designed to support, educate and encourage women who enjoy photograph­y as a hobby or as a profession. It’s open to women with any level of experience, from novices using a phone to experience­d profession­als using highend kit. Since launching, it has attracted almost 7,000 members and enjoys a very high engagement rate.

‘I started the group for a variety of reasons,’ she explains, ‘ but primarily because there’s a gender imbalance in photograph­y and it’s a very important medium for communicat­ion.

‘It’s a complex issue but a lack of opportunit­y, confidence and support are often cited as reasons for women not pursuing photograph­ic careers.’

Although of course nobody could have anticipate­d the impact that Covid-19 would have upon the world, it’s safe to say that having already built up a strong community, SheClicks was well-prepared to support its members.

‘When the effects of Covid-19 started to become apparent, it became clear that we are a community of friends first,’ says Angela. ‘I posted a video inviting any members who were feeling frightened, stressed or lonely to reach out to the community for help and support, and the response was lovely with members sending best wishes, words of support and practical solutions to practical problems as everyone tried to make sense of the developing situation.

‘Many members also embraced the comfort that photograph­y can bring, while recognisin­g that others may not have the time, opportunit­y or mojo to take photograph­s themselves. SheClicks has always been a friendly community but I think we have become closer-knit and more appreciati­ve of each other. And there’s always a warm welcome to new members!’

Prior to the lockdown, monthly ‘webinars’ (online presentati­ons) were organised by Angela. Streamed live to the Facebook group, they’re run by leading photograph­ers and are free for members to watch, either live or after the event. Since lockdown, she’s boosted that offering to weekly. ‘Upping the frequency to weekly has been challengin­g and I’m always looking for more presenters. I try to organise two weeks in advance – I would like to plan a bit further ahead, but life gets in the way. I have a Zoom licence for 100 participan­ts and every

webinar has been fully subscribed. It would be nice to find a sponsor to enable more people to attend.’

Angela firmly believes that the best way through any crisis is through collaborat­ion. ‘We can support each other and make sure everyone comes through it OK. That’s an attitude I see throughout the photograph­ic community.’

As well as the webinars, an informal ‘virtual co ee morning’ has been taking place every Thursday morning. ‘A lot of people have experience­d a sense of isolation or loneliness during the lockdown and I thought one way to combat it would be to run virtual get-togethers. There’s no theme – just a chat with no agenda.

The conversati­on tends to focus around photograph­y, but not exclusivel­y and there’s always lots of laughter.’

Finally, another lockdownfr­iendly tactic has been to engage the community with photograph­ic challenges. Again, this was something that the group had always done, with e orts ramped up recently. ‘We run a monthly photo challenge via Photocrowd, but the themes for April and May were “Kitchen Close Up” and “Social Distancing”. In addition, on 17 March, Sally HedgesGree­nwood – the author of the “With Photograph­y” series of books began posting regular conversati­on-starter images every day on the Facebook group. I invited her to do it on a more o cial basis for the group and she’s been posting every day since. Our aim was to give everyone something else to think about and give extra focus for our photograph­y.’

The latter challenge will be coming to an end this month. Sally explains, ‘Several SheClicker­s have written to thank me, saying they will miss the daily posts. Approachin­g the lifting of lockdown is a natural finishing point and I can leave them now knowing that part of the photograph­er’s experience of lockdown will include the positivity of the daily posts.’

 ??  ?? Above: One of the commended pictures from the ‘Social Distancing’ monthly challenge, by Aga Stefaniak
Above: One of the commended pictures from the ‘Social Distancing’ monthly challenge, by Aga Stefaniak
 ??  ?? A virtual coffee morning takes place every Thursday morning for informal chats
A virtual coffee morning takes place every Thursday morning for informal chats
 ??  ?? An image by Sally Hedges-Greenwood from her daily challenge
An image by Sally Hedges-Greenwood from her daily challenge
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 ??  ?? At MPB we’re offering contact-free doorstep collection – fully insured and free of charge to anyone who wants to sell us their camera gear. We’re offering the same great prices as MPB always has. You can get an instant quote at
Also, MPB has recently been partnering with SheClicks to help to support women photograph­ers and its work as a sponsor on its ongoing webinar series. See more at
At MPB we’re offering contact-free doorstep collection – fully insured and free of charge to anyone who wants to sell us their camera gear. We’re offering the same great prices as MPB always has. You can get an instant quote at Also, MPB has recently been partnering with SheClicks to help to support women photograph­ers and its work as a sponsor on its ongoing webinar series. See more at
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