Angling Times (UK)



ACCURATE fish weighing is essential to all specimen anglers, and these latest heavy-duty JRC branded Reuben Heaton scales are as good as they get.

They come in two versions that weigh up to 60lb in 2oz divisions, and 120lb in 4oz divisions, the latter being ideal for French carp trips.

So you’ve got the scales, now you need to something to hang them on. This new JRC Weigh Tripod is as robust and well made as anything you are ever likely to see.

Maybe a bit heavy for short sessions, it’s perfect for French trips. Key features include telescopic legs, a strong moulded spreader block, and a multi-position block with a buzzer bar attachment that allows the tripod to be used as a high rod pod on difficult waters. Price: Tripod £49.99 Scales £69.99

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