Angling Times (UK)



THE whole point of using a Method feeder is that the hookbait is among the loose offerings where it gets sucked up by a feeding carp.

If the feeder moves, the hookbait is pulled away from the feed and is likely to be ignored. So I have never understood why some anglers like to use light, 15g feeders, which are very likely to move.

For this reason I have always been a fan of heavier Method feeders – I never fish lighter than 24g, and normally a 36g feeder is my starting point.

With a heavier feeder I know that once it hits the bottom, all I have to worry about is waiting for a carp to find it!

I’m also a fan of fishing a slack line on the Method. This reduces the likelihood of the feeder being moved by line bites or fish in the vicinity of the bait.

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