Angling Times (UK)



EVERYTHING came together for Edd Arlott at Farlows as he banked a new lake-record common of 45lb as part of a 13-fish haul.

Fresh from landing a 34lb mirror from peg 12 a fortnight earlier, the 34-year-old returned to fish the same area of water from peg 32.

The Oxfordshir­e angler received steady action throughout his 72-hour session, catching five twenties to 28lb as well as the big common.

“I had fish from four different baited areas,” Edd told Carpfeed. “Moving the rods around and casting to showing fish helped.”

The gardener added: “I went a couple of weeks ago when conditions were perfect and had a 34-pounder.

“Lots of fish were showing in that area so I knew where I wanted to be this time.

“It’s really weedy still at that end of the lake and the fish are just holding up in it.”

Edd baited with crumbed boilies and maggots and had regular bites. “I saw a fish rolling at about 10pm or 11pm on the Monday night and moved a rod on to that spot, and that was the rod that did the big common,” he said.

“I’d set myself a target of catching a 30lb mirror and a 30lb common from Farlows and when I got it in the net I knew it was a thirty – but its exact weight definitely came as a shock.”

Edd used a Shoreline Baits Sausage Oil pop-up topped with maggots on a Ronnie rig.

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