Angling Times (UK)


Incredible week for lure-caught stripeys

- IAN JONES News Editor

OCTOBER has got off to a flying start for many perch enthusiast­s who have been relying on lure tactics to bank a number of stunning specimens.

Hampshire police officer Dan Eaves had the pick of the bunch when his lure session on Grafham Water yielded 17 stripeys – 15 of which were over 3lb, with the best two registerin­g 4lb 4oz and 4lb 2oz.

Despite being greeted by rough weather, Dan used this to his advantage on the day, as he explained further…

“The water was very turbulent and my boat was rocking and rolling as you’d expect,” he said.

“I decided to fish the lures static and let the water slosh them around, which was enough to encourage 90 per cent of what I caught that day to take them.

“I started with fish of 3lb 5oz and 3lb 11oz before I had the 4lb 2oz perch, which I initially thought was a zander. It was a really good start.”

During the rest of the afternoon Dan’s trip turned into a real redletter day and he boated 14 other perch including fish of 3lb 10oz, 3lb 11oz and 3lb 15oz. But the best was yet to come.

“It was turning out to be the most incredible day’s perch fishing I’ve ever experience­d, but then I hooked something that gave an especially good account of itself,” Dan added.

“Once it was under control I could see that this was another special fish, and indeed it was at 4lb 4oz! While I never expect I’ll ever beat my personal-best perch of 4lb 13oz, these fish were my fifth and sixth over 4lb!

“I’m certainly feeling blessed by the perch gods right now.” Both Dan’s 4lb perch fell to a Zman Hula Stick in the colour purple.

Fishing a static lure also proved effective during Martin Welch’s latest session when he banked a stunning 3lb-plus


The Mansfield, Notts, angler dropped his Zman White Lightning TRD lure into a deep hole on a stretch of the River Trent and didn’t have to wait long before he received a bite.

He said: “On my first cast into the hole I felt a small pull, so I let the TRD go static for a few seconds, then came a proper hit on the lure.

“A short but powerful fight soon saw a nice perch surface from the highly coloured water and into the net.”

 ??  ?? A 3lb-plus perch taken on a lure by Notts rod Martin Welch.
A 3lb-plus perch taken on a lure by Notts rod Martin Welch.
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 ??  ?? Dan Eaves’ best Grafham perch went 4lb 4oz.
Dan Eaves’ best Grafham perch went 4lb 4oz.

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