Angling Times (UK)


You wonder how some carp got their name, but nothing could suit this Cotswold mirror more


THEY say beauty comes with age, and that cannot be denied when you look at the Cotswold’s finest carp, The Croc. This ancient mirror is estimated to be over 50 years old and lives in an incredible environmen­t.

Last caught in May, some anglers have put in years of effort on the Keynes Country Park Large Lake to try and catch this dream fish. The challenge is one only the most dedicated carp anglers will take on. With only around 50 carp in the 55-acre crystal-clear lake, bites are not easy to come by. Other obstacles include an army of crayfish and hungry shoals of tench and bream.

The lake is also riddled with activity from boats, swimmers and walkers – there is even a man-made beach at one end! Add to this the classic ‘no fishing areas’ and for many it takes a bit of head-scratching to figure out. With these barriers in mind, the recent capture of the prized fish by Angling Direct area manager Roy Allen is all the more remarkable. On just his first session postlockdo­wn after months of looking and baiting up, and with the lake operating a strict day-only policy, Roy connected with the giant carp at its biggest-ever weight of 49lb 2oz. The session also produced a 31lb 6oz mirror known as The Snake Brother – one of two fish regularly seen swimming alongside The Croc.

“The Croc’s mouth is unlike anything I’ve seen, it’s the size of a child’s dinner plate,” Roy tells Carpfeed.

So, if you fancy a challenge in the stunning Cotswold Water Park, why not make The Croc your next target? Just remember to hold on tight, as this heavy fish fights like mad!

 ??  ?? Roy Allen banked The Croc on his first session post-lockdown.
Roy Allen banked The Croc on his first session post-lockdown.

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