Argyllshire Advertiser

Thought for the Week

- With Marilyn Shedden

THERE is a great sadness throughout Argyll.

Our hearts ache for the loss of two beautiful children in the tragic accident at Kilmelford. Words are inadequate to address the grief that must consume their parents.

We cannot imagine the pain the family must be experienci­ng and we know that, at this time, nothing will help to ease that pain and loss.

We are numbed and devastated by such tragic loss of young life. The community of Netherlorn and Luing will undoubtedl­y rally round the grieving and despairing parents. Practical help will be there for them, love will be shown and prayers will be said.

But at this time nothing will take away the pain.

We are also saddened by the deaths of two teenagers at T in the Park, one of whom also came from Argyll. Another family will weep. There is a great sadness throughout Argyll. We all ache for them and feel totally inadequate at a time like this. How do we say the right thing? We worry that our words seem like platitudes and our messages may be perceived as trite or banal.

Yet we want to speak from our hearts that recognise the grief of hearts that are breaking.

We do not have the words to acknowledg­e such intractabl­e pain. Yet for those in the midst of the grief it is good to know people are just there. In our villages and communitie­s there is much support and care for each other and this in itself brings strength.

John Green said after losing a loved one: ‘You gave me a forever within your numbered days.’

However painful now, these parents will have their forever memories. Our prayers are that ‘there will be a rainbow through the rain, and that one day, morn will tearless be’.

There is a great sadness throughout Argyll.

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