Argyllshire Advertiser

Lively debate over police cuts

- by NEILL BO FINLAYSON editor@argyllshir­eadvertise­

THERE was a frank exchange of views at a council meeting between a councillor and a senior police officer over station closures and the police presence in Argyll.

THE CLOSURE of local police stations was the subject of heated debate at a council meeting.

The performanc­e review and scrutiny committee met last Friday, where police divisional commander for Argyll, Chief Superinten­dent Grant Manders, presented a positive report to the scrutiny commit- tee, with crimes of violence figures having fallen while call handling was said to have improved.

Councillor John McAlpine quickly challenged Chief Superinten­dent Manders on the subject of ongoing police savings measures, which includes plans to close village police offices, including the Tarbert station.

Councillor McAlpine said: ‘I think we’ve been told porkies over years by the police about retaining a presence in local towns and villages.’

He went on to state that, though not based in Tarbert, there were a number of police officers who lived in the village.

‘There is now no police station between Campbeltow­n and Lochgilphe­ad, and it’s all about centralisa­tion.

‘Communitie­s have not been consulted over these cuts, and there’s a disrespect there.’

Chief Superinten­dent Manders responded to Mr McAlpine: ‘We are the same as the council – we don’t have any money.

‘I have made some tough decisions which had to be made. And there will be more to come. We cannot make savings without reducing head count, as this accounts for 90 per cent of our costs.’

He added: ‘I have worked very hard to protect services in Argyll and Bute. If I sound a bit heartfelt here, it’s because I resent any implicatio­n that I have been complicit in any diminution of the police service in this area.’

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