Argyllshire Advertiser

Drop obsession with Brexit


Sir, I do not know Alastair Redman, but from his regular letters I have built up a picture in my mind of an elderly gentleman, usually dressed in tweeds and brogues and smoking a pipe, who, many years ago, left his native Surrey to live on a Scottish island on a romantic notion and now finds himself trapped on Islay with the drizzle and midges longing to go back to civilisati­on. His only comfort is to write his letters to the Argyllshir­e Advertiser decrying Scotland and all things Scottish. This may be wide of the mark, but I’m afraid that’s the image that pops into my head when I see the name Alastair Redman.

I note that this week he is parroting the line used by all Tory MPs and MSPs and even the Prime Minister that the SNP government should drop its obsession with independen­ce and get on with running the country. This has all the hallmarks of a strategy dreamed up in London by a spin doctor who has absolutely no direct knowledge of Scottish affairs. In the past two years I have had two major skin graft operations in Glasgow and I find it hard to imagine better care and attention. Secondly, my grandsons attend Lochgilphe­ad High School, and every contact I have with the school I find it and the staff most impressive. Perhaps Mr Redman should contact the Prime Minister and suggest that she drop her obsession with Brexit and concentrat­e on running her country.

John McCall, Lochgilphe­ad.

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