Argyllshire Advertiser

Be an eco-friendly festival goer


Litter – just say no. The biggest single threat to the environmen­t from a festival will be litter. Don’t be the cause of it. Make new friends, get an eco-vibe going and help by having a bin bag with you and offering folks the chance to drop their litter in. Look out for recycling points around the festival grounds and use them. If you take extra batteries for torches and gadgets remember to take them to the right recycling point or take them home to dispose of carefully. Reuse plastic drinking bottles or better still invest in your own reusable water bottle. Likewise own a reusable coffee cup. How about taking along your own plate and giving it to the food truck staff along with your order? Remember the 4Ps – only pee, poo, paper and puke should ever go down a toilet. When you buy baby wipes to take with you, buy a bag of nappy sacks as well – use them for disposing of the wipes and everything else that isn’t going down the loo. (See above). Conquer your addiction to plastic drinking straws and cotton buds and as many other types of disposable plastic as you can. You know you can do it, be strong! If your cans of drink come with plastic loops keeping them together, then snap open the loops before disposing of them safely. Birds, fish and other wildlife can get caught in them. Don’t launch sky lanterns – they may say the paper is biodegrada­ble but the wire falls to earth threatenin­g wildlife and farm livestock.

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