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Benmore Botanic Garden weather summary for April 2018


HIGHEST maximum air temperatur­e: 17.6ºC on April 21

Lowest maximum air temperatur­e: 5.0ºC on April 4

Average maximum air temperatur­e: 11.3ºC

Lowest minimum air temperatur­e: -2.2ºC on the April 1

Highest minimum air temperatur­e: 10.3ºC on April 19

Average minimum air temperatur­e: 4.8ºC

Highest minimum at grass level: 8.1ºC on April 16

Lowest minimum at grass level: -7.0ºC on April 1

Average minimum at grass level: 2.2ºC

Air minimum below 0.0ºC on two days

Grass level minimum below 0.0ºC on nine days Hail on one day Snow/sleet on one day Thunder on no days Gales on no days Greatest rainfall in one day: 23.6mm on April 3

Rain 0.2mm or more on: 21 days

Rain 1.0mm or more on: 18 days

Rain 5.0mm or more on: 10 days

Trace (between 0.0mm and 0.1mm): four days

Total with measurable rain: 25 days

Average relative humidity: 81.2 per cent

Total rainfall for month: 135.5mm (5.3 inches)

Total rainfall for year: 781.3mm (30.8 inches)

Rainfall for April has been close to average for the time of year.

Average maximum air temperatur­es have been around 1°C below what could be expected for April, however, average minimum air temperatur­es have been around 1°C above the long-term average and the occurrence of air and ground frosts has been below average.

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